(Paperback)How to Love an Entrepreneur without losing your mind (Copy)



“How to Love an Entrepreneur without losing your mind ” is a witty, provocative, and engaging book that explores the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs and their partners in balancing work and personal life. Following the journey of Jay.R Fogle, a successful entrepreneur, the book offers practical tips on managing time, priorities, and relationships in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship. With insightful anecdotes and relatable examples, the book provides a roadmap for building a successful business while maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a partner, or simply someone interested in the world of entrepreneurship, “How to Love an Entrepreneur without losing your mind” is a must-read that will inspire and empower you to achieve your goals and live your best life.



“I picked up this book thinking it would be a typical self-help guide, but it exceeded my expectations in every way. The author’s voice is relatable and funny, and the advice is actionable and effective. I especially appreciated the section on entrepreneurs with kids, which helped me understand my boyfriends situation. I highly recommend this book to anyone struggling to balance love and entrepreneurship.” -Monique T. #Howtoloveanentrepreneur

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Audiobook, Ebook