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$149.99 / month and a $75.00 sign-up fee

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Made for entrepreneurs, creatives,

and high achievers to:
  • Kill procrastination
  • ​​End overwhelm
  • ​Stop analysis paralysis
  • ​Get over shiny object syndrome

T H E I R   R E S U L T S 

Nearly doubled business revenue

 after 4 years of plateau 

Sales increased by 8x in 3 months

Hey I’M Jay.R Fogle
I always thought I was a super rational guy and would never have any issues doing what had to be done or going after my goals.
But when I opened my first business and quit my job, things changed.
– Every day I had tons of decisions to make and actions to take on my own
– Everybody seemed to have “the one and only” strategy to grow a business that caused a lot of confusion
– I wasn’t sure of what to do or how long to stick to a strategy for
With so much uncertainty and pressure of making things happen, I ended up:
  • Procrastinating: Being on social media or getting a hair cut or doing anything else unconsciously seemed better than facing the struggles in the business
  • Paralyzing: Maybe I needed more time to make some tough decisions right, so might as well freeze and not go with any choice for a while (bad idea – but our minds have a way of tricking us into getting into our comfort zone)
  • ​​Getting overwhelmed: Knowing that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be doing made me think poorly of myself and angry that I couldn’t figure it all out
  • Looking for new shiny businesses or strategies: Instead of sticking to something for long enough so I could see real results, my mind went onto the tons of different businesses or strategies I could be following instead, doubting the direction I was taking
And that’s when I started desperately looking for a way to get out of my own way.
I needed to find something that could help me operate at my highest level so I could hit my goals faster (and preserve my sanity in the process haha)

I spent over $42k on courses and coaches and events + thousands of hours studying and trying to find something that could help me

  • Courses and books were okay, but they weren’t personalized to my specific situation and I was still left with questions on how exactly to implement the principles they taught.
  • Business coaches would teach me “the one and only” strategy that they believed I had to follow, even if I didn’t think it fit my business or my strengths.
  • Regular accountability coaching could only talk about tasks but never go deep enough when I struggled. And the no-communication in between sessions policy saved them time, but defeated the whole purpose of accountability!
  • ​Events were only helpful for a few days but after that there was no actual execution plan or support
  • ​I even tried therapy – and that would just get me to talk about the past and not get to any real conclusions or have any action plan
After thousands of hours and dollars spent, and worst of all, all of the stress and sleepless nights that came with that journey, I realized that nothing gave me the tools that would really help me succeed
I didn’t need a “miraculous” business strategy, tricks and hacks to be productive, or some cheap motivation that only lasts 5 minutes.
Once I learned how to dive deep into why I was struggling, what really drives me, and how to make working on my business so fun and exciting that it’s like playing a game, everything changed.
And that’s why I created Lokul Goals.
It combines the right dosage of performance and psychology to support entrepreneurs, creatives, and high achievers just like me with the level of support and accountability that after spending 40k on all sorts of programs, I’ve never seen anywhere else!
We focus on action, but whenever your psychology holds you back, we’ll talk it over and and destroy any mental blocks.


We’ll help you turn your long-term vision into shorter goals that will push you and get you further, faster.

You’ll get laser focused with a coach helping you prioritize what will truly move the needle in your business and life –  so you start getting more done in less time, while enjoying the process!
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